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Friday 25 February 2011

Final Cut Pro used in Movies

Whilst researching Final Cut Pro I came across a variety of films and television programmes that have used Final Cut Pro, this was eye opening to me as I have never realised how popular and professional the programme is.
True Grit which was directed by The Coen Brothers was edited by Final Cut Pro. True Grit was nominated for many BAFTA awards and it is said to be the 'film of 2011'. Eat Pray Love which is a best selling memoir used Final Cut Pro through all of the editing stage. (500) Days of Summer which was directed by Marc Webb, who was a first time director and the editor Alan Bell had used Final Cut Pro. I was very suprised that the blockbuster film Benjamin Button had used Final Cut Pro, the film was the director's, David Fincher, biggest film to date. Sundance 2008 Festival "Best Director" Lance Hammer, used Final Cut Pro for his new film Ballast.
Also, television programmes such as Everybody Hates Chris, X-Files and Live From Abby Road.
All of this information was Quoted from
(I wrote this post using my I Phone).