Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

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Thursday 3 February 2011

Filming and Finalising Shots

Today we finalised all of the shots that we wanted to film later on in the day, we created a separate storyboard for the shots that we needed to film today. We have decided to re-film some shots as we thought that we did not hide that Lewis is a boy. After school we went to Emilys house to film with Lewis and my friend India came to film as well, to give usthe audience perspective of the different shots and the narrative. Filming last year in ASfor our opening to a film we found that some times we missed the small details in the back ground for example, a modern car parking sign was on the wall which could of ruined the time period piece. So having a friend watching our filming helped a lot as she noticed things that we did not. We have filmed Lewis applying make up, Lewis in womens clothes, Lewis meeting Emily (his girlfriend) and we filmed the transformation between boy and girlat the end of the video. Overall I am very happy with the filming, how well we worked as a group and the co-operation between us and Lewis and I am very thankful that he was willing to film. Tomorrow we are going to upload all of the footage that we filmed tonight.