Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

Final Digipak Cover

Final Advertisement

Thursday 10 February 2011

Editing Draft (Two)

In our second edited draft we have tried to edit more on the beat and we have tried to make the audience recognise our artist by having more shots of our performer singing. In our latest draft we loved that the lyrics conformed with a shot in our video for example in the shot for "Just love" we had our artist moving a heart shape balloon which says 'I Love You', this makes a connection between the performer and the audience. We all liked the three cut away shots for "We", "Can", "Dance" as it makes the footage more on beat. When we asked our class what there favourite part was in our music video they said the seventeen photographs in the beginning, because they liked the editing technique. During the chorus we used fast pace editing with different shots of the artist in different location and the transvestite scenes. However, when I showed my mother our recent draft she thought the transvestite scenes were the performer, so we need to improve on that. We need to make our music video more fast pace because it is a pop music video. Also, we came to the realisation that we used the same shots for a long period of time for example, the artist performing in front of the black background is used in the beginning for twelve seconds and we do a shot reverse shot with the same performance. We have used many of the same performing shots so we have decided to film more performance to add interest in our music video, as it will not be so repetitive.

Below is our recent draft to our music video.