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Thursday 10 February 2011

Inside the Digipak (booklet)

For the inside booklet I wanted the audience to feel a connection between them and the artist, which is why I decided to have a photograph of the artist making a heart shape.
Below is how I created the inside booklet.

I cropped in to this photograph using Picasa.

I then adjust the colour to make the inside booklet brighter. I also changed the brightness so the booklet cover will be eye capturing.

This is the inside booklet of my digipack.

This is the inside of the digipack, the heart shape is her logo and I feel that the photograph seems like the artist is looking at the buyer, this creates makes the fans seem special as she shows that she loves them. I decided to use a photograph of the artist in the inside booklet to show the fans her appreciation, I thought that the booklet could be filled with tour highlights so the photograph will entice the audience to look in the booklet.