Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

Final Digipak Cover

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Monday 7 February 2011

Album Title Logo

After analysing Lady GaGa- The Fame I became really interested in to the layout of the album cover such as, the close up photograph of the artist, the logo and the composition of the artist name and the album title. Initially, I thought that I would have the logo of a crystal but I have decided against that because I am already using glitter or confetti to represent crystals. So I have thought about portraying love in the album cover, as our artists songs are about love. These are two examples that I found on Google which I really liked and I could imagine using on the spine on the album cover.

Idea for Logo (One)

I can imagine using this image on the spine of the album cover but I do not know where I would include it, on the front of the album cover as it is a close up shot of the artist.

Idea for Logo (Two)

I would really like to use a shot like this in our music video as it portrays the love in the song. On the spine I can imagine the arm being stretched across, with the hand in the shape of a heart in the middle of the spine.