Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

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Monday 7 February 2011

Performance Ideas

For Kaylas performance we wanted to have a variety of backgrounds to make the music video interesting and to keep the audience entertained, as our music video is mostly performance. We will have Kayla performing in front of a white and black back drop because we really liked that is portrays sophistication, Kayla will wear different colour dresses to make her stand out. After watching Adele- Rolling in the Deep (screenshot on the right) we decided that we wanted to have a background that would be unusual, we found it intriguing that where Adele is performing in the beginning of the video, later the video goes back to the same location but Adele is not there.
Following this idea we researched many different music videos to find a background that we all liked. We thought about having a projection on the whiteboard in the media room or the hall, of a location. In B.O.B featuring Hayley Williams- Airplanes (left) most performance shots are in front of a projector. We loved that we could create any location using the projector and we in the song there is a lyric 'Let's runaway and don't ever look back', so a different location would suit our music video. We thought about having the picture on the projector as a field and in the end of the video Lewis opens the door so we could then have a cut away shot of Kayla in a field letting a balloon in the shape of a heart go. Which is similar to the picture on the right.
Jess came up with the idea of having the lyrics to Teenage Dream painted on Kayla's body which is similar to America's Next Top Model photo shoot (left). The idea came from when Jess watched this episode of America's Next Top Model, the photograph was for a teen anti-bullying campaign and the models had a negative bully word on there body, and then a positive word that contrasts. We all thought that doing this would make our performance unique, we thought that Kayla would be laying down whilst singing in this performance.