Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

Final Digipak Cover

Final Advertisement

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Album Cover Idea (One)

Album Cover Ideas
In our artists album cover 'Crystal Rox', I want to include a close up shot of her face as she is a new artist and the artist needs to be recognisable to the buyer. I have thought about including an aspect of the artist
s name in to the album cover. However, I thought about including a crystal in the album (the artist could be holding it)
but when after further research I had found out that Lady GaGas album 'The Fame' has a crystal microphone, I want the album cover to be unique so I will not use the crystal. Whilst researching CD covers I came across Ke$has single cover for 'Tik Tok' (left) and I really liked that her glitter eye shadow matches the glitter that she blew in her hand. I have decided to include glitter as it gives a crystal feeling but I will not have our artist blowing the glitter.

The image on the left is a photo shoot from America's Next Top Model, I tried to think how I could include glitter with out copying Ke$ha. I thought about using glitter paint on our artists face. I would put silver, grey or black glitter eye shadow around her eyes and i would apply black lip stick. Although, I am worried that artists emotion and personality will not show through the glitter and dramatic make up and our artist may look too young for such dramatic make up. So I have decided to not use this idea as it could limit our target audience, as it could be controversial.
I love this photograph from America's Next Top Model and I woud like to use this photograph to inspire me for the album cover. I will sprinkle glitter across our artists face but I do not know the colour I will use yet, even though crystals are silver, I do not think silver would stand out due to the lighting so I may use black glitter. I will use a black background for the photo shoot and I will have Michaelas (our artist) hair tied back but I may have some curly strands of her hair down. I love that in the photo shoot the models look innocent but the dramatic make up portrays them as rebellious, which would suit the album cover perfectly.

(Draw album cover idea)