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Thursday 20 January 2011

Lady GaGa- The Fame Track List

Lady GaGa- The Fame


The conventions of the back of a CD cover include: track names, amount of tracks on the CD, running order of tracks, image, colour, logo of the band (if applicable) and production details. On the back of this album cover there are the track names, an image of Lady GaGa, black and white colouring which makes the album seem more sophisticated which contrasts Lady GaGas persona in her music videos, iconic symbols of Lady GaGa such as the lighting bolt on her eye, production details and links to her website, myspace and the production and record label.
The spine:
The spine has the name of the artist 'Lady GaGa' which is in bigger font than the name of the album 'The Fame', both the name of the artist and the album title appears on the spine to make it easier for the buyer to find in shops. The symbol of the lighting bolt is on the spine which is symbolic for Lady GaGa as in her first video she had make up of a lighting bolt around her eye and this song reached number one in six countries. The lighting bolt is a good symbol for Lady GaGas first album as lighting represents power and a change, which implies that her music will change the pop genre.
On the back of the album cover there is a photograph of Lady GaGa, she is holding a crystal microphone which is the same object that is in the front of the album, this makes it seem like she is performing to the buyer which makes the album more personal, as the buyer feels like they are at one of her concerts. The aspect of Lady GaGa performing on the back of the album cover portrays that every one who buys the album is a fan, which forms a bond between Lady GaGa and the buyer. There is white around Lady GaGa which makes it seem like she is glowing, this attracts the buyer as they immediantly look at the front and then the back of an album their eye is drawn to the artist. The clothing in the photograph is a black cat suit which conveys that Lady GaGa is promiscious this is reinforced by her pose, the designer for the album used this photograph of Lady GaGa as in the front of the cover only shows her face. Lady GaGa has her hood up which portrays mystery and it would appeal to the buyer as they are intriged to know how her album sounds like. Lady GaGas make up is of a lighting bolt (image on the right), the lighting bolt is used on the spine of the album and in her first single Just Dance, which presents that the lighting bolt is used to symbolise Lady GaGa. Lady GaGas name is three quarters of the way down on the back of the album, the name seems like it is balancing just above her hips, this guides the buyer to look at her figure which would appeal to females as they would 'want' her figure and men as they would objectify her figure.
The Font Style:
The track names are in capitals which present the 'classic' album which contrasts to pop artists albums, all of the songs are in the same size which represents that all of the songs are important and relevant not just her singles. There are no numbers on the album which gains more attention on the song titles.
The Production Details:
The production details are in small print which shows that they are not as important to the fans. The extract sontains details and legal information for example, copyright, record label and the production team. There are different links to Lady GaGas website and myspace and the record label and production company, the font colour is white and one work is red to make it stand out. This makes the album seem more personal as fans want to access this which is another way of the way bands can be marketed.
The Use of Colour:
The colours in the album are white and black which contrasts pop albums. The colours in the album are supported by what Lady GaGa is wearing in the photograph on the album. It has a glossy finish which makes the seem smart.