Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

Final Digipak Cover

Final Advertisement

Sunday 23 January 2011

Example of Our Opening

In our storyboard we were going to have seventeen different quick shots of seventeen different romantic gestures with out showing the actors in the video such as, a couple holding hands, hands creating a heart and a wide shot from the side of the couple showing them hugging. The seventeen shots were going to be the same as the seventeen beat opening the song. We then started to experiment with different ideas of our opening such as the seventeen different shots of the couple (original idea), seventeen photographs being placed of the couple or seventeen different shots of the artist introducing her as she is a new artist.

We have decided to change and develop our opening to fit with our new narrative, the new opening is going to have seventeen different photographs of a couple at their wedding. We will use my grandparents wedding album photographs, we chose these photographs as we loved the contrast between the black and white photographs and the red cloth. The cloth that we have decided to put the photographs on is red which has connotations of love and passion, the design on the cloth is hearts which fits well with the wedding photographs.
Below is an example of our opening and how it fits with the opening beats:
(note: these are example photographs, we will not use them in the final)

However, in our music video we will not have the hands, only the photographs which gives the opening an animation element. Also, we will use the wedding album photographs in the opening.