Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

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Sunday 9 January 2011

Narrative Questions

We have recently been focusing on the narrative of our music video and the significance of narrative. We have discussed what narrative is, how is narrative important and the significance of narrative in a music video depending on the genre. The narrative draws in the viewer, however when creating the narrative in a music video you have to be aware that we can not include some elements such as, swearing, drinking alcohol etc. as it will not be shown on some music channels, which limits your target audience.

Below are questions based around the narrative of our music video which makes us consider why we chose the narrative and how it will appeal to a wide audience. I will be answering these questions along the way of creating the music video, as when we come to editing we may decide to change our narrative, if we feel that it does not suit the song.
  1. How is the narrative organised and structured?
  2. How is the audience positioned in relation to the narrative?
  3. How is the audience positioned in relation to the narrative?
  4. How are characters presented? What is the narrative function? for example, the creation of heroes and villains?
  5. What techniques of identification/alienation are employed?
  6. What is the role of such features as sound/music/iconography/genre/mise-en-scene/editing/ within the narrative? i.e. lyrics as narrative?
  7. What are the major themes of the narrative? What values/ideologies does it embody?
  8. What is the narrative structure of your product?
  9. How do the specific elements of your product relate to the narrative structure?
  10. Does your product adhere to or subvert narrative conventions?
  11. How does the narrative support the establishment of the chosen genre of your product?
  12. How have narrative techniques been used to appeal to the audience?