Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

Final Digipak Cover

Final Advertisement

Sunday 23 January 2011

New Narrative

Our previous narrative for our music video was a girl who meets a boy at a train station and the video would of explored their relationship and the dates that they went on for example, winter wonderland, restaurant and a walk around London. Then towards the end of the music video the girl would be watching footage of her and the boy ice skating at winter wonderland and she would pause the television when she sees the boy holding another girls hand. The scenes would quickly reverse which was inspired by Kids in Glass Houses- Matters At All, this would of taken the audience back to the meeting of the couple it would of become apparent that the girl was stalking the boy. Also, in the 'dates' the boy would of been with his actual girlfriend, we would of shown this by wide shots and at the restaurant scenes before there would of only been close up shots or back mid or wide shots. Both girls would of been wearing similar outfits so the audience would not of been able to tell them apart. However, when we was going to film there was snow so we had to delay our schedule as we wanted to film in London and some train services had been canceled. The night before we was going to film one of our group members could not get in contact with the boy who was an important part in our music video, he did not return our calls so we had to decide on another narrative as his withdraw from the music video was very sudden.

We then changed our narrative to the singer getting ready to go out and then we would have people performing in to the camera with objects or photographs of people that they love to represent our interpretation of teenage dream lyrics, which is love and connection that teenagers feel with people. Michaela and Emily had filmed this but we thought it looked too cliche of a female pop music video and our music video would not stand out and it would not be memorable. We thought about including a twist to make the video more interesting for example, the girl in the video getting ready to meet her girlfriend, so she is a lesbian.
But after much consideration we have decided to change our narrative again, this is our final narrative that we will use in our music video.
We will have a girl getting ready it will be implied that she girl is getting ready to meet her boyfriend through cut away shots of a wedding album, roses, couples holding hands etc. We will film the performer in three different locations for example, walking down a street, laying down with different couple materials on the ground and singing in front of a white background. We may include shots of different dancing to convey the pop genre. Towards the end we will show the girl meeting another girl, the audience will see that the person who they actually thought was a girl is actually a boy who is a transvestite. We will trick the audience to thinking it is a girl by different cut away shots of feminine objects such as nail varnish, shoes and hand bags. And at the end we will show the transition between the boy changing in to the girl, this will be memorable to the audience and they will be able to watch the video over again, the boys teenage love is wanting to be a girl and the love for his girlfriend. The message of our music video is to not judge couples and to have an open mind about every relationship. We feel very happy with our new narrative and we feel confident with our story and the performance.