Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

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Wednesday 10 November 2010

Teenage Dream Ideas (Six)

After the music video conference yesterday Pete Fraser said that "music videos need to be visually memorable and worth repeat viewing" bearing this in I had a lot doubts about our chosen song and the narrative for our music video. We was recommended to do a song which was unknown, although it would have been easier to have done an unknown song I felt confident within our chosen song. To make our video memorable I think we should change some of our narrative such as, I believe that the lead girl in our video should be schizophrenic which would make her 'dream' of the relationship and it would be insightful to the illness.
Schizophrenia is a "mental disorder characterized by a disintegration of the process of thinking and of emotional responsiveness. It most commonly manifests as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction. The onset of symptoms typically occurs in young adulthood, with a global lifetime prevalence of around 1.5%. Diagnosis is based on the patient's self-reported experiences and observed behavior." Schizophrenia is explored in Hollyoaks with the character Newt and him seeing his alter ego Eli, this is a clip from the programme.

The girls illness would lead her to become obsessed with the boy and the life that she wants to have. We could show this in the beginning by a back shot of a girl picking up a frame and then a close up shot of the picture in the frame coming alive and it would be the alter ego and the boy, this would have included an element of voyeurism as the star is watching herself. Women becoming obsessed with men are shown in films such as He Loves Me Not and Obsessed, this is the trailer of them both.
He Loves Me Not Trailer


When wondering how we could portray her illness I thought of having quick shots and choppy editing which could show her time in Brighton which is her dream and her normal self and I thought about having a high angle shot spiraling down of the girl which could represent her coming to terms with the realisation of her illness. I wanted the girls alter ego to be very flamboyant in clothing such as bright colours and sequins which could portray her alter ego as over the top and it makes her stand out. At the conference we were shown Pete Fraser's favourite A Level music videos at the majority of them were performance. Bearing this in mind the alter ego could sing in the Brighton shots as well as the bedroom performance for instance when walking down the beach she could be staring at the boy and singing romantic lyrics which portrays her love for him. Also, the we could have two people in the video one who is the actual girl and the other girl would be her alter ego, I got this idea from Shakespeare's Sister- Stay.

I love the idea of having an innocent woman and an evil and flamboyant woman I thought that we could have an extreme close up of lip syncing.
The illness will be exposed near the end of the music video which will become a surprise to the audience as the last shot would be of the girl putting down the frame and it will be a different couple and then the camera turning 180 degrees to show her in an office with a middle aged man wearing a suit who is a psychologist who was the man in the real picture.
My group did not agree with my idea as they said that our idea was original but I think that our video conforms to the original Teenage Dream video as the setting, narrative and clothing are the same and the lyric. My group also said that the idea does not conform to the lyrics. However, I want to make our music video memorable and the video will conform in the beginning as it shows a couples relationship but ultimately it will challenge the conventions of a pop music video. I believe that through this story it will be unforgettable as it will surprise the audience and it will be a video that people could watch again and still be intrigued.