Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

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Thursday 18 November 2010


We have created a questionnaire to identify our target audience and what they want in a typical music video, this will make the audience feel interacted in the idea process and it will make them want to watch the music video. We are going to use the average percentage to help us decide and finalize our ideas. We are going to film people writing, answering and elaborating on the answers, below is our questionnaire that we will be asking people.

Age (please circle): 15-20, 21-25, 26-30, 31-40, 41-50 or other
Gender (please circle): Male, Female

1.What do you like to see in a Pop video?

2.What is your favourite genre of music? Please circle: Pop, Alternative, Jazz, Classical, R&B, Rock, Dance, Country, Other (please specify)

3.What do you expect to see from this genre?

4.What costume would you prefer; flamboyant or casual?

5.What colour do you think represents Pop and why?

6.How do you consume videos? Please circle: MTV, YouTube, iTunes, Downloads, Other (please specify)

7.Do you like being surprised by music videos e.g. music videos with a twist?

8.Do you prefer narrative or performance videos and why?

9.If narrative, do you prefer the story to have an ending or is a cliff-hanger effective?

10.How often do you watch music videos?

11.Do you like music videos with bright lighting, or dull lighting and why?

12.Do you like music videos in black and white or do you prefer them to be in colour and why?

13.What interests you about music videos? Please circle: Different camera angles, The narrative, Special effects, Other (please specify)

14.What location do you think reflects a Pop genre video well? Please circle: A house, A busy town, Countryside, Beach, The street, Funfair, Other (Please Specify)

15.From your answer to the previous question, why do you think this represents the Pop genre?

16.What is one of your favourite music videos and why?