Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

Final Digipak Cover

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Monday 29 November 2010

Group Meeting (Six) Montage

On Friday 19th November our group had a meeting to discuss our new narrative ideas, locations, costumes and camera shots. We had the meeting after school in Emily's house which made us feel calm as in the class room it is very noisy. We used the lyrics to Teenage Dream to inspire us and we knew that we wanted the challenge the aspects of a pop genre, we decided to include a bigger twist at the end which was inspired by Kids in Glass Houses- Matters At All. We have edited some footage from the meeting to Delphic- Counterpoint I felt that the song suited our vibe. The video introduces our group and the people at the meetings. Some shots show us working and re-in acting some shots that we want to do in our music video, however most of the shots in the montage are of us eating biscuits and laughing.
This is a montage of our meeting.