Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

Final Digipak Cover

Final Advertisement

Thursday 17 March 2011

My Magazine Advertisement (Final)

To help me to choose my final magazine advertisement I got audience feedback from my Sister, I asked which advertisement idea she preferred, what her favourite feature on the advert was and what did she least like about the advert.

(Click the image to enlarge)
She said that she finds the second album advertisement more "appealing" and "eye catching" although she did not like the placement of the artists name, so I decided to place the title with the album name and release date. She said that she found the first advertisement idea "too confusing because there is so much going on in the advertisement", this made me realise that the advertisement would not be memorable if people saw it at first glance because they would not read the release date or the reviews. The artists name will be in a large font which will make people aware of that the album is already out. I decided to use to same colour scheme as I did on the digipak, so the audience will recognise the digipak in a shop. I used the image on image gold sequins on the advertisement as I did on the digipak, so the audience will recognise the digipak by looking at the advertisement. I used a different image on the advertisement than I did on the digipak because I felt that the reader would make a connection with the artist and they would want to buy the digipak.