Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

Final Digipak Cover

Final Advertisement

Monday 14 March 2011

Editing Draft (Three)

In our recent draft we have included some one playing the song on an iPhone. Although, we need to re-film this shot because the album artwork on the screen is of Katy Perry. We will need to change the art work on iTunes to a picture of our artist, so the audience will recognise our artist and it creates synergy. The lip syncing in this draft is out of time which we later realised when we watched over it on YouTube. The draft below is only to show where we have decided to place our shots and we have included more performance. However, we need to make the lip syncing correct and the audience was confused because our artist and the transvestite both applied mascara, so we will need to get rid of one.
Below is our recent draft.

Before we published this draft we asked one of our friends from our media class to give us audience feedback, we thought her advice will be more helpful because she understands the music video brief. Overall, she said that she liked our music video but she thought that the white background performance made our video look unprofessional. So we then decided to use a border around the shot using iMovie, we used a video effect called 'Vignette' which makes the borders black. I filmed the audience feedback on my iPhone and I uploaded it from my iPhone to YouTube.
The video below is of the audience feedback that we received.