Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

Final Digipak Cover

Final Advertisement

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Editing Draft (Four)

After many weeks of editing all of our footage we have finally finished our first completed edited draft, this was our first draft where we removed all of the transvestite shots and included our new narrative ideas. Even though we are happy with our new draft, we still have a lot of shots that we need to include and we need to make our editing more on the beat.

We will not have the song playing on the Mac in the beginning of the music video, instead we will have some one playing the song on an iPhone which was inspired by Keri Hilson- Slow Dance. We really liked that when we played the song an image of the artist appeared on the screen, so we want to still have that when we play the song on the iPhone.
The photographs that are shown at the opening seventeen beats need to be changed because we have decided that the photographs should show our artist growing up, instead of the wedding album pictures.
The jump cuts need to be sharper and we will include more cut away shots to make the editing more on the beat.
When the camera zooms in to the Tinkerbell poster on the door and then zooms out of the door, the audience sees that our artist has changed in to a dress. We have decided to do image in image of a fast pace clock with it fading in and fading out. This shows that time has passed and how quickly the clock moves represents how quickly youth grow up in todays society.
We really like the stop animation with the different nail polish colours, during our audience feedback we was told that we should include more colours. So we will include more shots of the nail varnish colours or we will repeat the same colours.
We will change some shots around which we feel suit particular moments of the song better and we need to make the shots more on beat. Also, when Michaela turns on the light we want to make that match the beat.
Below is our first full edited draft.

Make Up Inspiration

Whilst watching Breakfast Club I really liked the extreme close up shot of the girl applying her make up. Also, I liked the delicate brush strokes when the girl applied mascara. Which I then thought that we could create a shot similar to the Breakfast Club scene but our artist would blink, the blink fit with the beat. I filmed the scene on my iPhone and I uploaded it straight from my phone to YouTube.

Friday 25 March 2011

Michaela's Hairstyle

After reading many fashion and celebrity magazines such as Look, More and OK! we noticed that many celebrities have a natural hair style, though loose curls seemed to be the most popular hair style for celebrities. As our artist has a side fringe we researched in to celebrities who have a similar hair style as our performer. We used Hilary Duff as our main inspiration (on the right) of how to set the loose curl hair style. With the loose curl hair style we felt that it reinforced the girls innocence, we then decided that when the girl is getting ready to go out she will have straight hair to make her seem more sophisticated. Below is a short behind the scenes video of how we decided to have Michaelas hair in our music video. We added the footage to Neon Trees- Animal.

Thursday 24 March 2011

New/Final Idea

When it came to editing our music video we felt that the transvestite idea was too confusing for the audience and people thought that the extreme close up shots of the boy applying mascara and eyeshadow was the performer. We then decided to change our music video to a performance base video which was inspired by Alexis Jordan- Good Girl, this makes the audience can connect to the performer. We have decided to make time the main theme of our video so we can portray how quickly youth is growing up in todays society, we will show the artist growing up by the seventeen photographs in the beginning showing the artist as a baby, toddler, child, teenager and then early adult. In the music video we will show the artist getting ready to go clubbing which shows that she is in the early stages of adulthood, we will use a variety of make up styles, hairstyles and clothes to make the mise-en-scene appeal to the female audience who mainly listen to mainstream pop. We want our artist to get ready and perform in her bedroom this was inspired by Taylor Swift- Belong With Me music video. We feel like our new idea will make more sense to the audience and it will appeal to our female target audience.

Below is the music video to Taylor Swift- Belong With Me which is the main inspiration of our artist performing in her bedroom.

Below is the music video to Alexis Jordan- Good Girl, we was inspired by this video as it is a performance base music video. Also, our location is inspired by Good Girl as we will use a black and white back drop.

We created an animated storyboard of the first one minute and twenty five seconds of the song, we made the storyboard to show our new narrative ideas. With the longer shots in the music video we will change the angles or the characters placement. Creating the storyboard has helped us to create new ideas for shots, for the rest of the music video. We labeled each shot in the story which has the different camera shots and the location of the shots.
Below is the our animated storyboard.

Thursday 17 March 2011

My Magazine Advertisement (Final)

To help me to choose my final magazine advertisement I got audience feedback from my Sister, I asked which advertisement idea she preferred, what her favourite feature on the advert was and what did she least like about the advert.

(Click the image to enlarge)
She said that she finds the second album advertisement more "appealing" and "eye catching" although she did not like the placement of the artists name, so I decided to place the title with the album name and release date. She said that she found the first advertisement idea "too confusing because there is so much going on in the advertisement", this made me realise that the advertisement would not be memorable if people saw it at first glance because they would not read the release date or the reviews. The artists name will be in a large font which will make people aware of that the album is already out. I decided to use to same colour scheme as I did on the digipak, so the audience will recognise the digipak in a shop. I used the image on image gold sequins on the advertisement as I did on the digipak, so the audience will recognise the digipak by looking at the advertisement. I used a different image on the advertisement than I did on the digipak because I felt that the reader would make a connection with the artist and they would want to buy the digipak.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

My Magazine Advertisement (Idea Two)

My Second Idea

I really like the heart shape made by the artists hands as it creates a connection between the artist and the audience. The heart shape also makes synergy between the music video and the advertisement. I like the recommendations around the artist, once again because it draws the viewers attention on the performer and the reviews. Also, the font will be the same in this advertisement and the digipak cover which shows both of there similarities, this will make the viewer aware that it is the same artist. The placing of the album title in the heart develops a connection between the fans and the artist, as it shows appreciation.
I will use the majority of this advertisement in my final magazine product but I will change the placing of the artists name to the bottom, so it is with the title of the album and the release date.

My Magazine Advertisement (Idea One)

My First Idea

I like the placing of the artists name, album title, the 'Out Now' sign, the hit singles and the artists myspace because the viewer is immediately drawn to the titles. Also, I like the recommendations around the artist because all of the reviews relate to her. I am not sure whether I like the slogan at the top of the advertisement. I think the photograph of the artist is boring and she does not make a connection between the audience. I do not think that I will use this advertisement as my final magazine product.

Monday 14 March 2011

Editing Draft (Three)

In our recent draft we have included some one playing the song on an iPhone. Although, we need to re-film this shot because the album artwork on the screen is of Katy Perry. We will need to change the art work on iTunes to a picture of our artist, so the audience will recognise our artist and it creates synergy. The lip syncing in this draft is out of time which we later realised when we watched over it on YouTube. The draft below is only to show where we have decided to place our shots and we have included more performance. However, we need to make the lip syncing correct and the audience was confused because our artist and the transvestite both applied mascara, so we will need to get rid of one.
Below is our recent draft.

Before we published this draft we asked one of our friends from our media class to give us audience feedback, we thought her advice will be more helpful because she understands the music video brief. Overall, she said that she liked our music video but she thought that the white background performance made our video look unprofessional. So we then decided to use a border around the shot using iMovie, we used a video effect called 'Vignette' which makes the borders black. I filmed the audience feedback on my iPhone and I uploaded it from my iPhone to YouTube.
The video below is of the audience feedback that we received.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Conventions of an Album Advertisement

Different genres target their audience in a variety of ways for example, Top of the Pops target the 'young female pop fans' by having interviews with the artist and posters of the artist but below will be the album. However, Rock magazine such as Kerrang! would have the advertisement with a picture of the band or the artwork on the album, also there is usually 'gothic' font type used (although this depends on the sub genre). Although, there are conventions that appear in every album advertisements in magazines, which is shown below.

Artist name and album title
Release date
Magazine reviews/endorsements – NME, Q, Rock Sound, Kerrang!, Top of the Pops
Product content – extra DVD footage, bonus tracks
Tour dates
Ratings out of five stars
Web address / myspace
Name and logo of record label
Images – photographs/graphics/combination
Outlets in which available for example,,
Limited Edition
“Out now” / “Debut album”
offers for example, free download if you sign up to XYZ website

Jessie J Advertisment

Album Ad Scribd

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Advertisements in Magazines/Television

Later on in the course we will create a magazine advertisement for the new album by our artist. Looking at other advertisements in a variety of magazines for example, Top of the Pops, Kerrang!, Rock Sound and Look will inspire and help me make my advertisement. I looked in these magazines to see the different advertisements due to the variety of genres, but I will mainly look at pop artists advertisements. All of the images and videos in the post was taken by me, using my i Phone.
Top of the Pops (Pop Magazine)
When I was looking through Top of the Pops magazine I noticed that pop artists do not usually have album advertisements in magazines, the magazine includes a poster of the artist with an interview and then at the bottom of the interview it has a release date for the single and album. This strategy targets the artist to a young audience and it makes the artist seem more approachable. The picture (which was taken from my i Phone) on the left is an example of the artist interview which publicises them, the interview is of Alexis Jordan. The picture on the right is a close up of the album and single release date, which is shown on the bottom of the interview.

Kerrang! (Rock Magazine)
The advertisements in Kerrang! magazine consist of public recommendations of the albums that they love, these albums are usually new releases. I was very interested in this type of advertisement, as it could be said that the recommendation seems more trust worthy. This makes the album appeal to the target audience which is men and women aged 14-21, who read Kerrang! magazine. The article is called 'Lost in the Stereo' and the photograph of the article is shown on the left. In the magazine there are album recommendations from the writers of the magazine. However at the end of each article I noticed that they always recommend the album, even if it did not get a good
The photograph on the right is similar, to what I can imagine a pop artist advertisement would be like because the band 'Royal Republic', used a photograph of them on their album which is only used on the advertisement. A pop artist would use a photograph of the artist as the advertisement to make the buyer recognise the album, and it would draw the readerships attention to the advertisement.
When browsing the magazine I noticed a single advertisement (left) for Inner Party System- American Trash, I think that my advertisement will look like and I feel inspired by. This advertisement reminded me of my album, as it includes gold glitter and my album cover has gold sequence on the front and back cover. The conventions of this advertisement is the use of the gold which suits the electro punk genre. This has showed me that my album cover is very 'modern' and fits in with the different music genres. I have been inspired by this advertisement and I would like to incorporate gold in my advertisement because I really liked the glamorous vibe it gave to my cover.
Rock Sound (Rock Magazine)
The 'Black Sabbath' album is a picture of the album which makes the buyer recognise it when they see it on the shelf. Black Sabbath are in the rock, death metal genre which explains the Grim Reaper on the front cover. The advertisement has a quote "Sabbath's heaviest album just put on a whole lot of weight", the recommendation in the advertisements tempts the readership to buy the album. The conventions of this advertisement is the Grim Reaper who is swearing which shows the rebellion that may appeal to the target audience, the Grim Reaper symbolises Black Sabbaths music which is portrayed as powerful and deadly. The Gothic font in the advertisement suits the genre of Black Sabbath, and the quotes make the fans feel like they are apart of Black Sabbath community, because they understand the humour of the band. The advertisement says what is comes with the deluxe edition "unreleased live material, rare photos and extensive liner notes based on recent band interviews". After looking at this album cover I feel that I need to make my advertisement appeal to my target audience, by using the conventions for a pop advertisement and to tempt the reader by including information about what is in the album.

Look (Fashion Magazine)
I found it difficult to find a pop advertisement in magazines so I thought about advertisements in fashion magazines, as many pop artist target a mainstream audience by selling their product, campaigns or interviews. In the magazine that I was looking at Beyonce had an advertisement for her perfume 'Heat', Beyonce targets women by her simplistic look with natural make up and she targets men by the low cut dress. And the bottom of the perfume advertisement I noticed that there an advertisement for her album (right), this shows that pop artist advertise there albums through their merchandise.

Television Adverts
Whilst I was watching Glee on E4 an advertisement for Jessie J new album which is out now, I found this very interesting as it shows that pop artists use television programmes to target their audience. The advert included Jessie J's two most popular songs and in every shot in the advert is of Jessie J. This shows the importance of the different medias such as, television, internet and magazines whilst promoting an album. I filmed the advert (below) using my iPhone.

Also, on the same channel there was another advertisement for Clare Maguire, a new artist. The adverts had some shots from her recent music video and it contained quotes from critics of Clare. The advert is shown below.