Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

Final Digipak Cover

Final Advertisement

Thursday 30 September 2010

Teenage Dreams Ideas

Originally we had two ideas of where we could film we thought about Brighton or Bournemouth, the majority of the shots will be filmed at the beaches so we wanted to find a beach that we thought will suit our video. In the end we decided to film in Brighton,the picture on the right is of Brighton Beach. We liked that Brighton had pebbles instead of sand so the rough contrast and scale of the pebbles would we very interesting. We think that Brightons club scene would suit our 'pop' genre as club lighting is usually very bright and if we go to Brighton on a weekend the clubs will be busy. We really liked the architecture in Brighton as there is a contrast of modern buildings, old buildings like the Royal Pavillion and vintage shops. Plus, Brighton will be better for us to go there as it takes 1 hour and 45 minutes whilst driving and 45-1 hour on a overground train.
We believe that the song is about a girl feeling like she is a teenager again because she feels like this man is her first love, first kiss and she wants everything with him hence the title 'Teenage Dreams', we want our narrative to be about a couple and portraying their love for one another.
When reading the lyrics and peoples opinions about the song we became aware that this song was controversial as a lyric is "Let's go all the way tonight, No regrets, just love" which could be interpreted that the couple are going to have sex. It is controversial because the song is about teenagers in love and people think the song it promoting teen sex because there was an implied sex scene in the music video. However, many people do not agree including our group, this is an opinion from some one on Song Meanings "She's not promoting teenage sex. The song is about two adults. She's singing about how her boyfriend makes her feel like a teenager" This could be interesting for us to get other peoples opinions about the song who are a range of ages. This could be a limitation for us because people may disagree with the lyrics and we do not want to imply a sex scene.

We thought about having an old couple who was in their 60s-70s reversing time to when they were younger, our inspiration was Jason DeRulo- What If

We really liked the shot of the clock reversing which is at 0.56, we thought we could do a close up shot of the clock rewinding time and then a wide shot or a mid shot zooming out to show the girl getting ready for there date. Also, we liked that the end was at the beginning and the music video matches the lyrics.

We liked the idea of showing the couples life together, this is inspired by John Lewis advert.

I loved that the advert shows the womans life as a baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult and an old women. I love the emotions portrayed in the advert because it is happy and the audience see the process of aging and the process of the couples relationship, though with our music video we would reverse time. However, a limitation of showing the reverse of time is the time period because we would have to have a location which did not seem modern and because we want to film in Brighton which is a large populated place we cannot control what people in the background would be wearing.

For the lyric "You are my missing puzzle piece" we wanted a puzzle of the couple and for the pieces to come together to represent that the couple is 'one'. On the right side is an example of a custom made jigsaw pieces, we could purchase the puzzle from We would shoot this scene by a high angle shot and leaving the camera rolling and match the pieces together, we would have to edit this to make it seem like it flows instead of jumping. I really liked the idea of the puzzle piece because the lyrics match the idea, this may look a little bit animated however we do not have the computer software to make animations.
Although, we are using Kate Nash- Foundations as inspiration to make this scene seem animated.

We really love the socks curling in to eachother at 1 minute and 10 seconds because it symbolises love or the man is over powering in the relationship because his sock dominates. Also, the toothbrushes moving away from eachother symbolises the seperation. Also, I really like the bright light shining on the couples hands at 1 minute and 2 seconds, I think we should try and shoot this scene because our location is on a beach and it would make our video seem more like a 'dream'.

To gain inspiration for our video or to include in our video I think we should film many couples talking about how they met, most of these couples would be middle aged or older to talk about their life together. Also, we should ask people who are teenagers in love before we storyboard so we could get inspiration or to know how we should portray the love story. Our inspiration for this is the movie Paper Heart (2009) it is a film about a girl who does not believe in love and she travels asking people how she met their partner.

The peoples whose story I loved the most in the film is from 3 minutes and 37 seconds till 7 minutes and 57 seconds. I found this story really romantic and interesting because in the beginning they both talk about divorce, the scene later talks about the women meeting her future husband on her first day of work, her boss forced her to go on a date with him and a week or two later there it was heavy raining the women bought new Gucci shoes which cost a lot and the man told her to wait under shelter and he drove his Jeep on the steps under the porch and he told her to "Get in" and he drove her to her car. Also, I think the puppets which are re-creating the story is a brilliant idea because it reinforces their youthfulness when they fell in love. I think we should use this as inspiration to find a romantic story and we could film a couple talking about how they met or the girl watching this part of the film in her living room and then go in to the narrative.