Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

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Wednesday 22 September 2010

The Final Three

We finally narrowed our song decision to three different songs Pink- Runaway, Example- Fast Cars and Katy Perry- Teenage Dream.

Pink- Runaway

We think that Pink- Runaway could make a good music video because:

  • With the lyrics we could make an interesting story of a girl struggling with her life and wanting to runaway. We felt like everyone could relate to the video of wanting to get away from their life "Run away life don't make any sense to me" this could work to our advantage as people will empathise and understand the girls feelings.
  • We feel that this video would suit the night time in a busy area as we could use a variety of close up shots and split screen to show the girl frightful, as she is in a city that she does not know and the other screen could show people walking towards her and looking at her strangely "I wonder if it was a mistake" could emphasize her feelings of regret with fast pace editing.
  • We could imagine the girl smashing photograph frames against the wall and the floor which would match the beat but we would have to do this when editing.
  • The lyrics are dark and emotional "You go your way I meet you in hell" this could make our video stand out because it is not a typical love story and it could put a twist on the pop genre.

However, the bad points to Pink- Runaway is:

  • The camera shots would be too repetitive as the song is about a girl running away and we would mostly have pan follow or close ups.
  • The video may be too depressing that the viewer would loose interest.
  • The verse has a slow beat and the editing will be slow pace this could be a limitation as the viewer may loose interest and we could loose marks.
  • We thought that we could film the girl living on the streets though we later realised that the lyrics for a verse was "I could sing for change on a Paris street, Be a red light dancer in New Orleans" however we do not have to actually film in Paris and America we thought the video was about dreaming so it would of been better if we did.

Example- Fast Cars

We think that Example- Fast Cars could make a good music video because:

  • Their is a male and female vocalist which could be interesting to have both male and female different view points.
  • The song is not popular in comparison to Examples other songs but Tracey Chapman- Fast Cars which is the chorus is very popular this could be an advantage as we could create our own interpretations to the song meaning.
  • We could use a local area to film as our location as the song talks about not bring in Hollywood and not having a glamorous lifestyle "This ain't hollywood, need a jolly good line" this could help us with our low budget.
  • The song we could be interpreted in many ways for example, three quarters in to the song a tyre screetching is played and the lyric "Shit, I should of missed her" represents that the man who was driving had run a women over, before that part of the song the artist sings "You have seen a killer with a smile this hard" which says that he killed some one or it could of been conveyed that it was a dream as the artist is singing about his dream girl "Angelina Jolie" and his dream car a "Ferrari".

However, the bad points to Example- Fast Cars is:

  • It could be very difficult as the song is aboutcars and living the dream lifestyle, we can't drive and we don't know any one with a Ferrari or a Porsche which the boy in the song is driving.
  • We would have to rely on a man acting and performing in our video, we would have to trust them to attend meetings, filming and to be on time.

Katy Perry- Teenage Dream

We think that Katy Perry- Teenage Dream would make a good music video because:

  • We could use a variety of camera shots like an high angle shot to show puzzle pieces and we could edit the footage to make it seem animated and like the footage flows.
  • The song is upbeat and we could have fast pace editing like shots of the male and female point of view.
  • Good narrative story as it is about teenage love and feeling like the couple feels like teenagers in love.

However, the bad points to Katy Perry- Teenage Dream is:

  • The song is well known so we could disappoint fans.
  • The music video was recently released so people may be expecting our music video to be like the original video.