Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

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Wednesday 15 September 2010

Original song ideas

In the beginning everyone had different ideas on what songs we wanted to produce a music video to as everyone liked different genres. These are the songs that the group had wanted to do.

Example-'Fast Cars'
Lady Antebellum-'Need You Now'
30 Seconds to Mars-'Beautiful Lie'
Christina Aguilera-'Oh Mother'
The Script-'For the First Time'
Florence and the Machine-'Dog Days are Over'
Alica Keys- Unthinkable
Katy Perry- Teenage Dream

However, in the end we decided not to pick any of these songs as we could all not agree on one particular song such as I did not want to create a music video to Pink- Runaway, even though it is a great song I felt like we could not make a good music video to it. The song is about a girl running away from her home life and I think that we would of kept repeating the same scenes in most of the song so we would not have a variety of locations and camera shots, we did not have the budget to make the music video. Originally we had the idea that we would film the girl living on the streets though we later realised that the lyrics for a verse was "I could sing for change on a Paris street, Be a red light dancer in New Orleans" even though we did not have to actually film in Paris and America we thought the video was about dreaming so it would of been better if we did.
All of the songs that we had wanted to do would of been extremley difficult as most of them have memorable music videos anyway and we did not want fans of the artist to be disappointed in our video.

In our list of possible songs I wanted to create our music video to Example- Fast Cars as I felt that we could of done a lot with the song and the song has both a male and female vocalist which would of been interesting to get both view points. The song is not very well known in comparison to Example's other songs, this could of been an advantage as no one could of compared our video to the original. I thought that with the song we could have interpreted in many ways for example, three quarters in to the song a tyre screetching is played and the lyric "Shit, I should of missed her" represents that the man who was driving had run a women over, before that part of the song the artist sings "You have seen a killer with a smile this hard" which says that he killed some one or it could of been conveyed that it was a dream as the artist is singing about his dream girl "Angelina Jolie" and his dream car a "Ferrari". I played the song to the group and they did not think that the song would of been good to make a music video too as it would of been very difficult as the song is about cars and living the dream lifestyle, we can't drive and we don't know any one with a Ferrari or a Porsche which the boy in the song is driving. I was disappointed that we did not choose the song though I later released we could of made a video to the song as we don't have the budget and we would ultimately disappoint fans.

Finally, we chose to create our music video to Katy Perry- Teenage Dream as we had many ideas on what we could do for our music video and we all agreed that our music video would be more successful if we choose this song than the others. Although, the video was recently released and people will know the song we thought this could be an advantage as people cannot be disappointed with the video as we will include Teenage love which is the main story in the song.