Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

Final Digipak Cover

Final Advertisement

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Brighton Primary Research

This is my primary research of Brighton where we have decided to film as we feel that it will fit our 'quirky' and 'happy' vibe. I took these photographs during the day time so this mood board represents day time in Brighton. I have used my Photography AS Coursework because I went to Brighton and I am using these photographs as cross curriculum.
We could use these photographs to help us decide where we want to use as a location for our music video for example, the beach, brighton pier, royal pavilion or the brighton fountain.
In these photographs I have mainly used close ups to focus on one object at a time to draw attention to the subject, also Brighton is such a busy place it was hard to take photographs where people were not in the photograph, this is something that our group will have to decide if we will want people in it or if we want a quiet location.
I have made these photographs all in focus because I wanted to make Brighton recognisable to the viewer. However, if we want to film in focus depends on our target audience if we decide that we will want to attract an English audience we may film long shots and in focus so the viewer could recognise Brighton or we could make our music video seem American and use a variety of close up shots and blur the background so the viewer will think that the video was not filmed in England.
I think we should use a wide shot of Brighton Pier because the couple could walk in to Brighton Pier because originally we thought of filming the couple at a fun fair and the boyfriend winning the girlfriend a toy, this is romantic and very typical in the romance genre.
However, with my photographs I used photoshop and I zoomed in to focus on the subject and many of the places where I took photographs had fences because you had to pay to get in such as the Royal Pavilion and the rides.
This is my Primary Source Mood Board of Brighton.
Primary Source Brighton Location