Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

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Tuesday 3 May 2011

Music Video Screening at our School

Our media teachers organised a screening of AS film opening and A2 music videos in our school hall, they invited both A level years and prospective year 11 students were also invited to the event. We were allowed to invite our parents and our friends from outside of school, we found this beneficial as we were able to get our friends audience feedback.

In our media group I was given the opportunity to introduce our music video, which was very nerve wrecking because a lot of people turned up to the screening. This was the introd
uction that I said " The audience were given sheets of paper on which they could give feedback abo
ut each groups music video. The questions on the sheet were: We created our music video to Teenage Dream by Katy Perry. After many narrative
changes we finally decided to create a performance based video. in our music video we wanted to portray time and how quickly youth grow up. The female protagonist is shown from childhood to early stages of adulthood. "

After the screening the were able to get audience feedback, in the video corners that was set up for us. We asked a series of open questions such as:
1) What did you like about our music video? Why?
2) Was the idea of time expressed well?
3) Did you like our different locations? Why?
4) What was your favourite part of our music video? Why?

This is a Prezi that I made of the feedback that we got back from our screening.