Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

Final Digipak Cover

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Tuesday 3 May 2011

Fast Pace Clock

In our music video we have decided to include a shot of a clock which will be a fast pace shot, we decided to use this shot as it shows how long it took for the girl to get ready. We will include this shot using image in image and we will fade the clock in and out of the sequence. We was unable to fasten the clock to 2000% in iMovie, so we then decided to edit this shot in Final Cut Express because we were able to fasten the clock to the speed to wanted to. The first two speeds was edited in iMovie and the final two speeds was edited in Final Cut Express, the last speed is the shot we used in our music video.

Below is the fast pace clock, the music is from the Rocky Horror Picture Show- Time Warp.