Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

Final Digipak Cover

Final Advertisement

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Teenage Dream Ideas (Three)

We are filming in December and we expect that there will be bad weather when we are filming, so we have to prepare for the rain and wind because we are filming in Brighton which is far from where we live.

If there is rain when we are filming we shall have rain coats and umbrellas protecting the camera equipment the actors will only have coats and umbrellas when we are not filming, in case of continuity the actors will have to be wet when we are filming. Umbrellas may ruin the shots for example, we want to see the couples face looking at one another to portray their love and longing.
When we are editing I think we should have slow motion pace which is inspired by Labrinth- Let the Sunshine, I really liked the shot where Labrinth turns around which is in slow motion to show the rain dripping on his face and then the editing is fast when he faces the audience. Even though, in this still shot there is sun which represent the song lyrics "Let the sunshine, let the sunshine baby" however this shot is mostly rain. In Let the Sunshine I really like the close up shot which shows the side of Labrinths face which is a dark shadowed siluet, I really like this shot and I would like to replicate it however we may have to film in a studio to use the variety of lighting that we have in photography and then using Imovie we could green screen the location.
The rain could be used as pathetic fallacy which is used in Labrinth- Let the Sunshine, so we could use the rain towards the end of our music video to symbolise the girls heart break.
This is the video for Labrinth- Let the Sunshine which has the slow motion editing in the rain and a variety in weather and lighting.

However, if there is sunny or windy weather we will still film and edit the way we wanted our shots originally.