Final A2 Music Video 'Teenage Dream' by Crystal Rox

Final Digipak Cover

Final Advertisement

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Lip Syncing

We have recorded Michaela practicing lip syncing to our chosen song Teenage Dream, we tested some shots of Michaela singing for example, a close up shot of half of Michaela's face singing. After editing the song I have discovered that we can not always edit on the beat because the shots become repetitive and confusing for the audience.
Also, we feel it will be better for Michaela to sing the actual song out loud rather than mime, as she will sing the song how Katy Perry would sing it and we found it difficult to get the lip syncing correct with the song. When we film the actual performance I think that we need to change the 'happy' emotions, as towards the end of the song the girl realises that she has imagined the relationship. I feel that the emotions need to be more angry and doubtful as she is confused.
This is the video to the Lip Syncing.

Saturday 4 December 2010

Teenage Dream Ideas (Nine)

I think that we should include a silhouette shot which would be of Michaela (girl A) or Jessica (girl B) and the boy, so the audience assume that the boy is with Michaela (girl A) .
The still shot on the right is from 30 Seconds to Mars- Kings and Queens, this shot makes the audience immediately focused on the people as the subject contrasts the background.
The silhouette could be a close up shot of the side of Michaela's face when she has realised that she is not actually in a relationship with him which represents the 'dark' side of her love and the obsession. We could also have a mid shot or a close up shot of girl (B) and the boy during the video. However the audience will not know that it is girl (B) as the silhouette is blacked out, an example of a similar shot is shown in 30 Seconds to Mars- Kings and Queens shot on the left. Below is the video to 30 Seconds to Mars- Kings and Queens.

Many silhouettes are used in Labrinth- Let the Sunshine but the sequence of the silhouettes that I find the most interesting are at 1.08-1.24. The sequence is during a clapping part of the song which bulids up to the chorus. In our music video to Teenage Dream there are a lot of instrumental beats, so I feel that we could include a sequence similar to this in our music video.There are two different shots in one each second, one of the shots is a silhouette and the other one is usually a mid shot or a close up of the artist singing the song. The silhouette is at two different angles, in one shot Labrinth's face will be on the left and the next silhouette his face will be on the right. I have created a montage of the sequence showing each shot which is shown on the right. I would think we should create a sequence similiar to the video as I believe it will suit our narrative and we could include performance during the sequence. Below is the music video Labrinth- Let the Sunshine the sequence is at 1.08-1.24.

After researching on how to create a silouhette I have found out that we should have a lighting pointing towards the subject matter far away but in the shot the light is not shown and the camera should be focused on the face. When editing we can make to silouhette darker by increasing the contrast, we would have to use a non dark background and there should not be a lot of night in the room.
By including the silhouette in our video we would be increasing the amount of performance, and after watching previous A Level music videos many A grade video have majority performance.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Teenage Dream Ideas (Eight)

As a group we have decided to change our narrative, as we felt that our music video would be uneventful and forgetful in comparison to other music videos. We felt that our previous narrative idea would not be memorable through the other A2 media students. Another previous idea was to create an Alter Ego, we have incorporated this idea but girl (A) will try to act like another girl (B) who contrasts the girl's style and personality.
For our new narrative we wanted to have girl (A) who is obsessed think that she is in a relationship with the boy, the audience will also believe that girl (A) is dating the boy. However, towards the end of the song girl (A) is watching footage that she had earlier filmed and she pauses the television of the boy holding hands with girl (B). We want an element of voyeurism which will show the girl on the television filming herself and may be performing. This was inspired by Kids in Glass Houses- Matters At All.
We thought of Girl (B) wearing flamboyant clothing and dramatic make up as we want to portray later in the video that Girl (A) wants to be like Girl (B). We thought about Girl (A) applying a lot of make up which will seem child like, this will show the audience that girl (A) is imagining her relationship with the boy and she is unhappy in her life.
We still want Michaela to be Girl (A) as she has had previous acting experience which will benefit our production as there are a range of emotions within our music video. We have decided amoung our group that Jessica will play the part of Girl (B) as we can imagine the girl looking like Jess.
To show the audience the difference between reality and girls (A) dream life we wanted to have the the dream life in colour, but we want the colours to be bright so we will use iMovie to enhance the brightness and contrast. We have also changed our location as we wanted to film in Brighton but after learning that Winter Wonderland will be open when we are filming we have decided to base some of our music video shots there. There will be many bright lights as it is a fun fair aswell. We wanted the reality shots to be black and white as it shows the unhappiness in her life and it contrasts the bright colours to the dull colours. This was inspired from Lily Allen- LDN.