After listening to the instrumental version of Katy Perry- Teenage Dream we found it very difficult to try and pick out the instruments that are being played, we then decided to watch a live performance of Teenage Dream to see the instruments. In the song there are two guitar players, one bass player, one keyboard player, one drum player, two back up vocalists and a lead vocalist who is Katy Perry, the still shot from the live performance is at the top which shows the band at the live performance. I really liked the live performance of the song because Katy Perry sings the chorus at the beginning with no instruments, this shows her amazing vocals and vocal pitch. Also, I liked the song but I noticed that Katy Perry did not sing some parts of the song for example, the high pitch "Yeahh.." this may be because of the high pitch as it's difficult to sing and get it perfect in a live performance. Below is a video of the live performance from Le Grand Journal from Youtube:
The guitar is played in the beginning of the song and there are seventeen beats, with the seventeen beats we wanted to have seventeen different quick camera shots which do not show the couple just objects and them holding hands to symbolise their love. After looking at the guitar chords to the song I realised that the guitar is played during verse 1, bridge, the first chorus and the second bridge. The example on the left is of the guitar chords which are played in the first chorus(
teenage_dream_crd.htm) In our music video we only wanted to show the lead girl lip syncing because we did not want to rely on a lot of people incase they did not turn up for filming one day. However, after watching the live performance I really liked the extreme close up shot of the guitar being played which is shown on the right, think we could include the guitar in one of our seventeen shots. Although for our performance we wanted to portray the girls innocence by her performing in her bedroom, the guitar may show her as 'rocky' and 'rebelious' rather than 'innocent' and 'niave'. Also, we would have to show some one playing the guitar more than just once in our music video.
Through the live performance we found out that the bass guitar is played, however we could not find the tabs on how to play the song. Using Youtube I found a bass tutorial which is a step to step guide on how to play the song. The still shot on the right is of the tutorial, I found the tutorial insightful because watching the live performance the bass player was hardly shown and I did not know that the bass was played as often as it is in the song. Even though I found it difficult to understand which tabs are being played I think the tutorial would be good for a bass player.
The video below is the tutorial for Katy Perry- Teenage Dream.
The drums are also played in the song although when I tried to research the beat using search engines such as Google I used another tutorial on Youtube. The picture on the left is a still shot from the live performance and the camera is placed behind the drum set to see the other band members and the still shot from the right is taken from the tutorial. I found this tutorial difficult to learn the beat because the man in the video is only playing the drums and not telling people how to play, this may be because drum players would usually be able to pick up with the beat easily. I do not think we could even try to include drums in our music video because we would have to get someone to learn the beat and the drums are usually represented in the rock genre.
Below is a drum tutorial to Katy Perry- Teenage Dream.
The back up vocalist in the live performance only sings in the chorus and the first line out of two lines in the chorus, the back up vocalist sing with Katy Perry to make the vocals stronger. The key board member plays during the chorus, the key board sound is not a tradional piano sound, it is a additional sound to the key board which can be changed to any sound for example, a police siren. The still shot on the right shows all of the band during the live perfromance of Teenage Dream.
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